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Casa Grande Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery PC
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Located in Casa Grande, AZ | Serving Casa Grande and the Surrounding Areas

Surgical Instructions

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Located in Casa Grande, AZ | Serving Casa Grande and the Surrounding Areas
Located in Casa Grande, AZ | Serving Casa Grande and the Surrounding Areas
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Postoperative Instructions

After going through the oral or maxillofacial surgery at Casa Grande Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery PC, follow the post-op instructions:
  • Swelling: Swelling is the body’s normal response to surgery and the beginning of the healing process. Swelling will vary among individuals and according to different procedures. Swelling will increase over the first 72 hours, and subside over the next 5 to 7 days. Apply cold packs (20 minutes on, 20 minutes off) for the first 24 hours while awake. Keep your head elevated for the first 72 hours using pillows under the back and head while sleeping.
  • Bleeding: Minor bleeding or blood tinged saliva may occur for the first 24 to 48 hours. Bite on gauze for 1-2 hours following surgery. If heavy bleeding still occurs, replace with new gauze and bite for 1 hour. Do not drink through a straw or suck on any hard candy for 24 hours. Do not smoke for 7-10 days following surgery.
  • Pain: Medication has been prescribed according to your anticipated level of discomfort. Take pain medication before numbness from the local anesthetic is gone. Repeat every 4-6 hours as needed. Take medication with milk shake or other beverage to avoid nausea. Do not drive or operate hazardous machinery or drink alcohol while taking pain medication.
  • Rinsing: You may drink but not rinse your mouth for the first 24 hours following surgery. After 24 hours, gently rinse the mouth with warm salt water (one teaspoon of salt with lukewarm water in a large glass) 3 to 4 times daily. Continue rinsing until you return for your post-op exam. You may gently brush your teeth the day after surgery, being careful in the area where the surgery was performed.
  • Diet: A soft or liquid diet is best for the first 6-12 hours until the numbness wears off. Cold foods such as milk shakes and lukewarm soups are best.
  • Sutures: If sutures were placed they will dissolve by themselves unless you're specifically told that non-dissolvable sutures were used. Sutures may loosen or come out prior to your next appointment.
  • Other: If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to call the office during normal business hours. If you need to speak with the doctor after normal business hours he can be paged at 520-426-3200.
Be assured that our interest in your well-being does not end with surgery. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at the office. Help will always be available. A post-operative appointment will be made for approximately one week, but we'd be happy to see you sooner if the need arises. Emergency services are available.
Postoperative Instructions

Instrucciones Para el Cuidado de la Boca Después de una Extraccién or Cirugia dental.

  • Gasa: Mantanga la boca firmernente cerrada sobre la gasa per una hora despue's de la extraccién. Si a cabo esa hora siguises sangrando, reemplaza la gasa por una limpia. Evite masticar pore se lado.
  • Enjuando: No se enjuague la boca por 24 horas. Si se hace enjuagues de gérgaras en las primeras horas posteriors a una extraccién o cirugié dental podn'a demorarse la cicatrizacion.
  • Hemorragia: Es normal sangrar un poco durante las primeras horas después de una extraccién. Si la hemorragia persistiera por méls tiempo o aumentara, por favor llame a la clinica de odontologia.
  • Hielo para preventir hinchazén: Después de cirugl'a dental or extraccion va a tener un poco hinchazon; esto es normal. Puede aplicarse compresas de hielo cada media hora, desacsando 10 minutos entre cada aplicacion. Esto le va a ayudar en las primeras 8 horas posteriors a1 tratarniento.
  • Dolor: Después de la extraccion puede haber un poco de dolor. Si 61 doctor cree que el dolor V8. a ser intenso le recetarél oalmantes. Témelos exactamente como se lo indiquen. La mayoria de los dolores leves se pueden controlar con Aspirina 0 Tylenol.
  • Actividad: El proceso dc cicatrizacién se puede demorar si used ejerce una actividad violenta después de la extraccién, por lo tanto se la recomienda repose duranda las siguientes 24 horas.
  • Dieta: Evite alimentos calientes después de una extraccién o cirugia dental hasta que ya no siente la anesthesia. Tambien evite comidas duras o granos (e. g. arroz, popcorn, ect.) que se pueden atrapad en el lugar de la extraccion.
  • Si tuveria algl'ln sintorna inusual corno dolor excesivo, senales de infeccién, hinchazén o hemorragia luego de haber seguido las instrucciones. Llame inmediatamente a la clinica de odontologia.
  • Otra: si used tiene preguntas, y gusta llamar los a la oficina durande horas normales a 520-876-5227 si usted necesita hablar con el doctor despues de horas normales le puede marcar a su pager 520-426-3200.
Call us today to schedule your appointment with our helpful team for a FREE consultation.
Stop by our clinic today to find out how our compassionate, knowledgeable oral surgery team may be able to help you.
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